The Centre DemocratHer Suffering Ended by Death
The final end of this life is not always looked to with those nearing its goal, but it is often the close of a long period of suffering. Thus it was with Mrs. Catherine Schnell, who passed away from this earth last Friday morning at half-past eleven o’clock. It is seldom that one is called on to endure more than she...suffer[ing] more or less for the last thirty years, and for the fourteen closing years of her life...confined to her bed. During the past year her weakness had increased that she could not even move, and to this was added...blindness.
Mrs. Schnell, whose maiden name as Catherine Brew, was born in Springmouth, County Clare, Ireland, on the 16th of May, 1816. She was the daughter of Thaddeus and Mary Brew, and was one of a numerous and respectable family. There were four other daughters and two sons. This large family emigrated from Ireland to this county in the year 1831, and arrived in Centre county [Pennsylvania], on the 7th of June of that year…A large family has grown...Among them are Mr. Austin Brew, the youngest son; Mrs. Hamilton, the eldest daughter, now living on Howard street; also Mrs. Nolan and Mrs. McClain, residents of this borough. Mrs. Kelley, the fifth sister, now resides in Iowa.
Miss Catherine Brew was married in the year 1831, to Mr. Joseph Schnell, one of the overseers of the poor of this borough. A large family has grown up about them. But all of its members are so well known in this community that it is not necessary to mention their names. Among them is Mr. T.M. Schnell of Chicago, the first telegraph operator of this place. Mrs. Schnell was a lifelong member of the Roman Catholic church...
25 Sep 1879, p. 8