Conflicts between baptism & birth entries

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Conflicts between baptism & birth entries

Post by murf » Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:21 am

It has been mentioned on previous occasions that one may come across anomalies between parish baptism registers and the civil birth index especially with regard to the respective dates, or that one record or the other may be missing.
Today I had cause to list these records for some King families in Clondagad/Kilchreest Parish. I was having great difficulty with some of the records, until I suddenly realised that some children were being baptised with one name and then having their birth registered in another. Here are three examples:

Baptism 18 Dec 1874 Margaret of John King & Margaret Casey - Civil Index 23 Dec 1874 child named Bridget
(in this case both mother and child were wrongly named in the baptism register)
Baptism 25 Oct 1878 Bridget of John King & Bridget Casey - Civil Index 8 Nov 1878 child named Mary
Baptism 20 Jan 1878 Bridget of Bartholemew King & Bridget Clancy - Civil Index 23 Jan 1878 child named Margaret

I suppose that one could come up with a variety of reasons for such conflicts. During this time (the 1870's) King babies were popping up everywhere in the parish, so confusion could arise, even with the fathers or whoever was providing the information!!
But whatever the reason I guess this once again emphasises the need to crosscheck between every available source and don't take any one source as gospel.

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